Psychologists approve

WASHINGTONThe 37,000-member American Psychological Association has declared that homosexuality involves "no impairment in judgment, stability, reliability or general social or vocational capabilities."

In taking the nation's gay people off their sick list, the association's Council of Representatives also called on their members "to take the lead in removing the stigma of mental illness that has long been associated with homosexual orientation."

The Jan. 24 decision was a victory for the Association of Gay Psychologists, which was prominent at the group's 1974 convention in New Orleans and which now plans to press for textbook and other reforms.

VD event raises cash

CHICAGO-Over 1,000 people attended a benefit Feb. 23, raising a profit of $3,000 to $3,500 to help run Chicago's gay Wednesday night VD clinic at Beckman House.

Sponsored by the Lincoin Park Lagooners, a gay athletic group, the program included volleyball, dancing, games, booths and free beer. Booths and support were shown by 42 of the 50 gay bars that were invited. The event grossed $5,000.

Sponsors of the free VD clinic are Gay Horizons, which also operates Beckman House community center, the Gay Switchboard and a Friday night coffeehouse; and Gay Medical Professionals. Plans call for free VD testing to start at Man's Country Baths in April.

Scientists oppose bias

NEW YORK The American Association for the Advancement of Science, headed by Dr. Margaret Mead, came out Jan. 31 against "any form of discrimination on the basis of sexual behavior between consenting adults in private." The board vote was 31 to 5.

Page 2 HIGH GEAR, April, 1975


Intensive National Gay News Coverage

A Dozen Regular Columns


Photo Feature from PRIMUS

A Complete and Accurate National Gay Bar & Bath Guide 2000

listings of

names, locations, and

phone numbers 48 pages every

three weeks

Now in our 2nd year

Only 75% at news stands everywhere

Or send $7 for the next 17 issues (one year) to: CONTACT Box 70282 Houston, TX 77007

HIGH GEAR newspaper is a publication of the Gay Educational & Awareness Resouces (GEAR) Foundation, of Cleveland, Ohio. It is distributed free of charge in any establishment and with any organization, that will permit distribution. We are a non-profit publication, and all proceeds not used to pay the printing costs and service fees are set, aside for the use of the GEAR Foundation's Community Center.

The prescence of the name or picture or other representation of an organization, place of business, or person(s) in HIGH GEAR is not necessarily indicative of the sexual orientation of such organizations, businesses, or persons, and may not be used as evidence of the sexual orientation of any contributors.

We welcome all contributions of written materials, art work, or photography, by members of the gay community. All materials submitted for publication are subject to editorialization, unless directed to the FORUM column. We cannot guarantee the return of any materials submitted for publication, whether used by HIGH GEAR, or not, unless it is accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope.

Anyone interested in working on the staff of HIGH GEAR, should inquire by calling, 6315330, or writing to HIGH GEAR STAFF, P.O. Box 6177, Cleveland, Ohio, 44101.


Help us show your representatives in Washington that you support the current amendment to the Civil Rights Acts, banning discrimination based on sexual orientation. Fill in the form below NOW, with your Representative's name, and your own name and address. Mail it to

HIGH GEAR/Box 6177/Cleveland/44101


Dear Representative


I fully support the Civil Rights Act amendment Introduced by Rep. Bella Abzug (D.N.Y.) and others on March 25, 1975, banning discrimination based on sexual orientation. PLEASE VOTE FOR IT, and encourage your colleagues to do the same.

Name.... Address..





Businesses or organizations wishing to advertise in HIGH GEAR, may obtain advertising rate sheets and other information by calling 631-5330, or writing to Advertising, HIGH GEAR, P.O. Box 6177, Cleveland, Ohio, 44101.

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Advertising by the 20th of eve every month, camera-ready and composition ads.

Written material by the 25th of every month.

News items until publication.

"I'll Be There"

Who can see from now beyond? Who can see straight through a ond? Who can see right through pretend?, Who can see right through the end? A person who can see them all,

Is like a ster, he'll never fall..

He'll help you when you feel depressed, He'll help you when you're under stress. A friend like him is hard to find, And when without him you are blind.

When you feel down, he told you clear, Just call his name, and he'll be there. To love and help you, you will see, That he does it patiently.

So, if you find a friend like him, Just go along and don't feel grim. For growing up is hard to do,

And without a friend, you won't get throuh.
